Expository Writing- Why Gossip is Harmful


“Oh. My. Gosh. Did you hear what she did?!?!” Gossip can scar a person for the rest of their life.

To begin with, gossip can completely destroy friendships. Last year, my best friend and I got into a huge fight. We told other people rumors about each other, just to get revenge. This was NOT what friends were supposed to do. This ruined our friendship forever. Gossip can get in the way of any friendship- no matter how close you are.

Something else to keep in mind is that most of the time, gossip isn’t even true. Often times girls make up things to feel better about themselves. For example, someone said that my friend had “skipped class”, but she was actually home sick. Another example is that in Hollywood, a Star’s entire career can be destroyed by one innocent text or one cover story. Rumors spread quicker than wildfires, tearing friendships apart and ruining reputations.

“Oh. My. Gosh.” The next time you hear rumors, you might want to second guess them. Not everything you hear is true. In conclusion, gossip can be harmful and it can add more drama to your school life. Don’t start the gossip conflagration… Extinguish it!

By Gracen and Hannah Rose

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3 Comments to

“Expository Writing- Why Gossip is Harmful”

  1. February 14th, 2014 at 12:03 pm      Reply Madiha Says:

    I agree with you: gossip can be harmful. I like your post, you did a good job on writing it. You showed clear examples and followed the format. Great job!

  2. February 14th, 2014 at 12:59 pm      Reply hansikak415 Says:

    Gossip is really not the solution for anything. People start gossip because they are mad at someone. You are right, if you hear rumors don’t always believe them because they are most likely false.

  3. February 15th, 2014 at 9:28 pm      Reply amulyak411 Says:

    I really like that your writing has a voice. It has specific support with personal examples along with general ones too. I also like the relationships that you made with your examples to help the reader understand it better.

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