

BOOM! Cried the thunder. I was awoken from my deep slumber by the horrific clatter of the storm outside my window. I have never liked storms since I was a little girl. I curled up in my covers and tried to go back to sleep. All I could hear was the pouring rain, falling from the sky. Soon the pitter-patter of the rain was nice and calming. BANG! The lightning yelled as if it was in my ear. I had almost successfully fallen back to sleep, but had failed. I decided to look out my window to see the harsh winds and violent rains. I opened the dusty blinds to find a massive amount of liquid was falling from the heavens, making everything outdoors glisten in the moonlight. After observing my surroundings, I laid back down in my bed, and went fast to sleep.

by posted under Fun Stuff, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »    
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  1. October 17th, 2013 at 1:05 pm      Reply laurenp546 Says:

    I just sleep through storms, unless my cat gets frightened. Then I wake up. 😉

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